Diwali, the festival of lights, is a widely celebrated festival in India. It’s a time when families come together, homes are adorned with colorful lights, and the aroma of delicious sweets fills the air. 

But what happens when you find yourself celebrating Diwali away from home, perhaps in a foreign land or a different city? While it may seem daunting at first, celebrating Diwali away from home can be a beautiful and enriching experience, filled with its own unique charm.

Create a Home Away from Home: Decorate your living space with colorful rangoli, vibrant diyas, and fairy lights to infuse it with the festive spirit.

Embrace Diversity: Use this as an opportunity to share the significance of Diwali and its customs with your friends and neighbors. You can introduce them to the stories behind Diwali, the delicious sweets like ladoos and jalebis.

Explore New Traditions: You might find local Diwali celebrations or events that offer a unique blend of cultures. Participate in these gatherings to experience the festival in a different light and discover how people from various backgrounds come together to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness.

Use Technology to Bridge the Gap: Technology plays a pivotal role in maintaining the connection between loved ones and ensuring the festivities are memorable and special.

Here’s how technology strengthens the bond with your loved ones:

  • With the help of instant money transfer apps, you can send money to your family back home quickly and securely. These apps provide a convenient way to ensure your loved ones have the financial means to celebrate Diwali.
  • Video calls allow us to see our loved ones, share in their joy, and virtually participate in the celebrations. These virtual gatherings can include lighting a diya together, virtually exchanging gifts, or even watching the traditional puja or prayers from afar.

Our friends tell us about how they celebrate Diwali in Canada

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